Single Bid Package:
Pocahontas County Schools
Sealed bids for Work associated with Pocahontas County Schools ESSER HVAC Project will be received by Wendel Energy Services, LLC, the Contractor, at the Pocahontas County Board of Education Office, 404 Old Buckeye Road, Buckeye, West Virginia 24924 on February 8th, 2022; 1:00 P.M. at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bids will be required on the following bid packages:
1. HVAC Improvements
This project is funded by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief Fund being administered by the West Virginia Department of Education. All bidders shall submit, with their quotations, Wendel’s Subcontractor Pre-qualifications Form.
Qualifications shall include financial statements as requested, as well as the bidder’s relevant experience with successfully completing projects of similar size and type. All bidders and bidder’s subcontractors shall be licensed in compliance with the West Virginia Contractor’s Licensing Act.
All bidders must provide a fully completed Bid Form including the Non-Collusive Bidding Certificate which is a part of the Bid Form.
All bidders shall submit, with their bids, a bid bond in the amount of 5% of their bid. At time of bid, all bidders must submit a letter from their bonding company regarding the status of their current bonding capabilities and history. After the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids, no bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days.
Successful bidders shall provide the Contractor with satisfactory Performance and Payment Bonds in the prescribed form in accordance with the General and Supplementary Conditions in the amount of the contract price.
All bidders shall complete the Small and Minority, Women Business Enterprise (SMWBE) section of Bid Form for participation included in the bid, or submit with their bids a written statement regarding affirmative steps taken per American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief Fund (ESSERF) – Procurement Requirements to solicit SMWBE participation (2-CFR 200.321). See Bid Form for additional instructions.
Bidders on this work shall also be required to complywith:
• Equal Employment Opportunities (41 CFR Part 60)
• Davis-Bacon Act (as amended, 40 U.S.C. 3141 – 3148, 29 CFR Part 5)
• Labor regulations established by West Virginia Department of Labor
• Labor regulations established by U.S. Department of Laboro.
The Contractor reserves the right to waive any informality in or to reject any and all bids.
Invitation to Bid
Pocahontas County Schools
ESSER HVAC Improvements
Bidding Documents:
A. Bidding Documents may be obtained electronically via a document sharing site can be requested by emailing Laura Mastracci ( The email date will be considered the bidder's date of receipt. All requests for Bidding Documents shall be made seven days prior to the bid date.
B. All questions regarding the bid project must be asked by 4:00 pm on January 20th, 2022. Only questions submitted in writing and sent via email to Laura Mastracci ( (CC: will be responded to.
C. Each Bid must be submitted in accordance with WV DOE Policy 8200 – 16. Submission of
Sealed Bids. The Bid shall be addressed to Wendel, and shall be identified with the project
name, the bidder’s name and address and the designated bid package for which the bid is
D. Addenda will be issued only to those attending the Pre-Bid Meeting and obtaining complete sets of documents.
A Mandatory Pre-bid Conference is scheduled for:
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Date: Thu, 1/13/2022
Place: Pocahontas County Board of Education Office
404 Old Buckeye Road, Buckeye, West Virginia 24924
ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY for interested Bidders; optional for interested sub-bidders and material suppliers. All Bidders MUST attend the Pre-bid Conference to familiarize themselves with the Project conditions and otherrelevant information. The conference will be followed by a tour of the key proposed construction areas. This process should take approximately 6 hours.
Should any Bidder fail to attend, its Bid will be disqualified.
Wendel Energy Services, LLC
Suite 200, 375 Essjay Road
Williamsville, NY, 14221.
P: (716) 688-0766 / F: (716) 625-6825
Pocahontas County Schools
404 Old Buckeye Road
Buckeye, West Virginia 24924
P: (304) 799-4505 / F: ( 304) 799-4499
Pursuant to Chapter 21—Article 11 of the “West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act” of 1991, all
Contractors doing business in West Virginia must be licensed to perform work in the State; the
Contractor’s W.V. License Number must be affixed to all submitted construction Bids and fully
executed and binding construction Contracts orAgreements