Girls basketball has started. We are having a mandatory parent meeting tomorrow at 5:30 at MMS.
Boys basketball has flex this Wednesday and Thursday at 5:30 and will start practice officially next week.
We have LOTS of lost and found if students are missing clothing. Please have students see office and Mrs. McNabb for this clothing. If it isn't claimed it will go to clothing center.
Congratulations to the following students for participating and placing at the Regional Literature Fair.
Chase McNeil 3rd Place
Emma Sacca 2nd Place
Tessa Johnston & Halleigh Teter 2nd Place
Eli Beezley 1st Place
Dazja Brown & Kaylah Dowling 1st Place
Eowyn Smith & Emma Anderson 1st Place
Madeliene Burns 1st Place
Ace Gregory & James Monico 1st Place
The online parent survey will be available from October 2 through November 17, 2023. Parents are asked to complete an online survey about school climate, the learning and teaching/working conditions, to help guide school improvement efforts. The results of this survey will be used to make changes in their child's school to ensure a supportive environment for teaching and learning. The survey may be completed from any computer with an internet connection. Parent participation in the survey is very important. If parents have questions about the survey or problems completing the survey, they should contact MMS. To protect parent/caregiver confidentiality, at least 10 parents must take the survey for results to be summarized for your school. Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate; not to answer any questions you do not want to answer; and you may stop participating at any time during the survey without penalty. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. Parents can access the survey at:
Parent login code: P069302
Thank you for your participation!
On October 31, 2023 Marlinton Middle School will host some fall activities in the afternoon.
Costume Competition: Prizes for scariest, cutest and most original.
Students can bring or wear costumes to school. Costumes must follow the school dress code and no face coverings are allowed, and no accessories that promote violence in any form.
We are also having food fear factor activities, an exploding pumpkin and PG-rated grade level movies.
We have a couple of updates for families.
You have one more day to support MMS locker fund and purchase MMS apparel. This will be great for upcoming basketball season.
There have been many opt-out forms for surveys sent home in the last week. If you have questions about any of these surveys, please reach out to MMS. We will start giving them tomorrow.
Report cards, school pictures and LSIC ballots were sent home as well.
Come out and support the middle school football team at PCHS tonight at 6:30 for their last game.
3 days left to order MMS apparel - please support our locker fund! Tomorrows dress up day is twin day or dress as teacher day. Wednesday is our last home football game. Please wear maroon and gold and come support the students!
Find items that I've picked out specifically for our team.
There is also spiritwear available for your family and friends.
Check out the shop details below.
- Shop Now:
- Store Open From: October 13 - October 26, 2023
Students at Marlinton Middle School will be participating in an online WV School Learning Environment Survey that is sponsored by West Virginia Department of Education. They will also be participating in a survey for OLWEUS which is the new bullying prevention program that Pocahontas County Schools will be implementing. All students received an opt-out form in class. If you choose to not have your child participate, please send this form back to Marlinton Middle School.
Wednesday, October 18 is a 3 hour early out for students.
Monday, October 23 through Wednesday, October 25 will be spirit week. Dress up days will be Monday, Pink Out/Camo Day, Tuesday, Twin/Teacher/Student Swap Day, and Wednesday is Maroon/Gold to support students for 8th grade night at PCHS for football game.
Reminder that October 18 is a 3 hour early out for students for faculty senate.
Just a reminder as the leaves change their colors that there are some fall dates that will change your child's school schedule!
Find items that I've picked out specifically for our team.
There is also spiritwear available for your family and friends.
Check out the shop details below.
- Shop Now:
- Store Open From: October 13 - October 26, 2023
We hope your child has had a great start to the school year! As open enrollment for our device insurance program is now live, we wanted to remind you of this valuable opportunity to protect your child's learning device.
Visit School Device Coverage to explore coverage plans tailored to your needs. If you have any questions, our team is here to help.
You can find more information here:
Rada fundraiser pickup is available at this time. This must be picked up by an adult and will be available in front office. Thank you all participating in this fundraiser as it is helping us get closer to new lockers!
Please see sick child guidelines from Nurse Jenny at
All 6th grade students were given their LiveGrades information last week. Please log in and check grades. This is a great communication tool and one staff use often. This method of communication and tracking of grades is very important as we do not have an interventionist or after school tutoring. Thank you so much!
Governor Jim Justice proclaimed that today, September 22, is School Service Personnel Day. We know that every day is a day to celebrate our dedicated service personnel of Pocahontas County Schools. We are blessed to have our service personnel who provide extra care to students making sure that they arrive safely to school and home, have hot meals to nourish their bodies, provide additional academic support, have a clean and welcoming school environment, and are greeted with a smile.
Thank you for all that you do and for being part of the Pocahontas County Schools Team!
Test scores went home yesterday and today with students. These are the results for their West Virginia Summative Assessment taken at the end of last year.
Also tomorrow is picture day. Please bring envelope and money if this is something that you want to purchase. All students will take photos for school yearbook.
RADA orders need to be here tomorrow at noon by the latest to Felicia Smith.
Thank you!
Happy Service Personnel Day to the best of the best! I would put MMS service personnel up against any in the state. Thank you all for all that you do for the staff, students, families and community of MMS on September 20 and every other day!
Rada knife orders are due tomorrow to Felicia Smith at MMS. Thank you for participating in our fundraiser to help buy students new lockers!